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Notes on the war against “epidemic” — even if it is as small as dust, it can be as bright as a galaxy (I)

Release time: 2021年11月3日

Editorial Note
On January 23, the 29th day of the lunar new year, most companies have had a holiday, and everyone is ready to have a peaceful lunar year of the rat. On novel coronavirus pneumonia, Wuhan announced the closure of the city. A sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia has disrupted many people's plans, and Guo Chang is no exception. Nanchang Guochang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Nanchang, with five branches: Jingdezhen, Nanchang, Zhangshu, Fengcheng and Xinyu. The company has more than 100 employees, scattered personnel and severe epidemic control situation. Although the five branches are far away from Wuhan, due to the return of many migrant workers from Nanchang, Xinyu, Fengcheng and Zhangshu to Wuhan, and the Spring Festival holiday, these four places have quickly become the hardest hit areas of the epidemic, affecting pond fish, and anxiety has spread within Guochang company. At this critical moment, Mai Rong, the boss of the company, immediately called the heads of all departments to hold a teleconference and asked the heads of all departments to visit the front line in person and be responsible. At the same time, we will make every effort to purchase epidemic prevention supplies to ensure the urgent needs of production staff. In order to boost morale, every employee is encouraged to record the touching deeds or experiences of the front line of anti epidemic and remember this unforgettable experience.
One stone aroused thousands of waves. Guochang employees enthusiastically contributed and recorded what they felt and thought, good people and good deeds around them in real time. The company's administration forwarded them to the employees' wechat group in time, triggering a warm response. Guochang company donated protective clothing for the medical team from Jiangxi to Hubei, which triggered a heated discussion among the employees. I didn't think Guochang was such a loving company! Subsequently, Guochang donated protective clothing, masks and other anti epidemic protective articles to many medical institutions in Jiangxi, which stimulated the employees' unprecedented enthusiasm for patriotism and factory love. For a time, everyone was proud of Guochang's love, was moved by the fact that they were not afraid of disease and epidemic risks and were deeply involved in the first-line production of fighting against the epidemic, and the haze suppressed in their hearts was swept away, When all the staff were involved in the vigorous production, Guochang burst out with unprecedented cohesion and centripetal force.

You look good with a smile
——Silhouette of supply guarantee in Xingang Laboratory

Novel coronavirus pneumonia was unusual in 2020. In the face of the attack of the new crown pneumonia, a epidemic prevention and control war was quietly started in the laboratory of Guo Chang.
On February 4, there were employees in Party A's upstairs who were isolated at home. How to arrange Party A's staff has not been decided. The company asked Zhuang Ping to be on standby at home. She said that I would not go at this time. How would my subordinates go and how to do production analysis? After that, he went to work on time without hesitation. On February 5, he Xiaorong, the laboratory technician, was isolated at home and his hands became tense. After thinking about it, I still arranged people to shift with the decolorizer. There are many things on the day shift and there are not enough hands, so analyze the work and do it yourself! The company requires not only to analyze the production of guaranteed supply, but also the small-scale test of decolorizing effluent to reduce COD can not be delayed. During the epidemic period, the large-scale test of new process must be selected, so the small-scale test of new process must be carried out in advance. The overall workload is more than before the epidemic. After reasonable scheduling and overall arrangement by Minister Zhuang, the production trial is correct, and the cost of new process trial is reduced sharply. During the epidemic period, Party A's front-end also came to join the fun and fluctuated the indicators from time to time. Due to 24-hour shift analysis, the fluctuation trend can be found in advance to avoid near miss accidents. It perfectly embodies the Guochang spirit of "epidemic prevention and control, no delay, safe production and never slacken!". When Party A went to work abnormally, he went through the usual weekly billing procedure in two days. When he learned that the company could pay the bill on time, his smile spread the wrinkles at the eyebrow corner.
During the epidemic, the cooperative manufacturers needed to analyze the total nitrogen and other indicators of water samples. In order to shorten the data submission time, Liu Xiaoju was busy as soon as she went to work and couldn't take a rest at noon. In order to avoid wasting time in the toilet, I didn't dare to drink a mouthful of water. The results of the first analysis are illogical, give up and start again; The second time, there is still a deviation, not counting, start again; Third, Fourth... Until a logically satisfactory result comes out. Colleagues in the same class exclaimed: "Sister Liu, how can you sweat in winter?" Sister Liu smiled comfortably and said faintly: "it's my greatest achievement to complete the task smoothly in advance!"
The company asked to record the good and good deeds of the epidemic. Hu Xiaohua was the first to respond. Although the manuscript was not the first to be provided, the beautiful article produced with pictures and texts came out and surprised four people. Although he came to Guochang not long ago, he learned more about laboratory analysis and started the fastest. When resting at home, she cooked delicious food and shared it with her colleagues at the first time. At the moment of the most panic of the epidemic, she always "smiled and looked good!"
Gong pandi, the youngest post-90s in the project department, although she had no contact analysis before, it took several days to learn a pipette. It seems that she is a "little princess" who needs to be taken care of. She is unwilling to show weakness when she sees that the schoolsisters are charging ahead. A "epidemic situation feeling" is impressive! After receiving the leader's notice in the middle of the night, someone in Party A's upstairs was isolated. The company asked to go to work normally to ensure production. Without saying a word, they listened to the arrangement. The family worried, smiled and said nothing. They overcame their fear at times of crisis and fought together with the schoolsisters without flinching back!
Although Hu Jing is small, she has a lot of energy. Apart from sister Liu, she is the best one to master the analysis project. Quick thinking, easy to analyze new projects and good memory. It is called "Guochang analysis dictionary". The analysis staff is small, unambiguous, and obey the order to shift. During the shift, do not forget to analyze the original records of each shift and file them electronically. Data sorting, orderly. Rest at home, the younger sister in the laboratory will find her immediately if she has any questions. As soon as the phone rings, she will not hesitate to put down a pair of twin daughters to take care of and give guidance patiently. Always laugh at work, the best looking "pistachio"! It's good to have you during the epidemic!
The above is the silhouette of six people fighting the epidemic in our laboratory.
Stick to your post, remain unknown, encourage each other with positive energy, and make simple contributions to the stable operation of the company's production. Here, I say to all comrades who stick to the front line: "you've worked hard!"
We firmly believe that the epidemic will pass and the dawn of victory is at hand!
Work hard, start from your dream, come on, partners! Gong pandi

Thoughts on the epidemic situation

A sudden attack of New Coronavirus pneumonia came quietly. Unfortunately, the first party colleague who worked with me (Peng Moumou, her husband diagnosed as New Coronavirus infected with pneumonia) was also affected by the epidemic. After organizational research, I decided that I also need to be isolated at home. (ten minutes contact with Peng)
To tell you the truth, I was still very nervous when I came home from work. It was false to say that I was not afraid. However, seeing the state's attention to the epidemic, control and so many medical staff risking their lives to fight the front line of the epidemic on TV and mobile phones made me full of confidence and firmly believe that we will be able to tide over this difficulty.
I didn't expect that the days of home isolation passed quickly. With the passage of time, the epidemic situation became more and more serious. Even the community has been completely closed, and there is a situation of strict prevention everywhere. Although I am in home isolation, as a part of the fight against the epidemic, I also need to take action to support, resolutely respond to the national call, don't go out, wash my hands frequently and disinfect regularly, Take your temperature every day.
The new year is also over. Think about the past new year, when it was not happy and noisy. This year is the coldest time in my life and will be unforgettable in my life!
Standing on the balcony and looking at the empty street, I feel like a separated world. The noisy vehicles and bustling crowds in the past have become silent and cold now. It is also sad not to be reunited with my family for the new year.
But what's my dissatisfaction when I think of how many medical staff, public security police and thousands of volunteers fighting on the front line of the anti epidemic can't get together with their families for the new year?
At the moment, what I want to say most is, Xinyu, come on! Wuhan, come on! Go China! The 1.4 billion Chinese people are united. I believe the epidemic will soon be driven away by us. When the spring flowers bloom and the epidemic subsides, you and I will see a new China! Wu Yuan